Thursday, December 9, 2010

Freeville Twilight Fair By Arlia

On Friday the 3rd of December Freeville School had a Twilight Fair.It was  held 3.30pm to 8.30pm.It was set up on the field.The Freeville twilight Fair was very successful but most people left at 7.00 and didn't stay for the hold thing.

There were lots of things for sale like soap,lollies candyfloss,cakes,toys,silly bands,books,plants and lots of other things.

The Activities you could be involved in at the fair were Harley Davidson rides,Pony rides,Quad bike  rides and you could go on the huge Bouncy castle.

I liked the Lolly stand because there were lots of yummy things to buy like cakes,hokey pokey,cupcakes toffee apples,sherbet and fudge etc.........
The books were really cheap and in good condition.I bought 2 books for 1.50.

Our Whanau group were in charge of the lolly stand.We all made about 100 sweets.It made the most money out of all the stands.Our Whanau group made about 260 sherbet packets and lots of lolly cake.

The things we could improve for the next Fair would be making the price on the bouncy castles lower like 2.00 for a hole day pass.Another thing is that on the quad bikes 10 year olds should be able to ride the bigger bikes  because we had to rid the small ones.
There were lots of entertainment like choir,Kapahaka and talent quests etc.........

Over all the Fair was great.
By Arlia

Freeville twilight fair BY GEMMA

On Friday 3rd of December Freeville school had a twilight fair.  It was held 3:30pm to 8:30pm.  It was set up on the Field.  Our whanau group did baking there was over 100 baked goods and sweets to sell.The events were bouncy castles and quad bikes that I didn't go on because I have got my own quad bike. There was also the chocolate wheel and  we won pineapple lumps and licorice all sorts.

Our Whanau group made 200 packets of sherbet and every Wednesday we made different baked goods for the baking stall.

The book stall had my favourite book for 20c and in the shops they are $30 for one book. [ a bargain] everyone loved the book stall.
 The toy stall had lots of toys for sale and they went fast and there was only a little bit left.

Gunge a teacher had a lot of people there and a lot of different teachers got gunged at different times and it was really sticky.

Silly bands was awesome lots of people were there and now everyone at school wears them on there wrists.

The fair didn't make it till 8:30pm because everyone left the fair at 7:30pm so everyone left early. There was about 2500 people who turned up at the fair. The fair was very popular. I wish we had one every second year.

By Gemma 

freeville twilight fair by letisha valentine

Freeville School held its Twilight Fair on Friday 3rd December. It was a glorious night.

There were lots of activities held. Some included 4 Wheeler rides , talent quest , mini golf ,bouncy castles , kapahaka , Santa Photos.
There were lots of people at the fair going crazy buying lots of soap and lots of fatty food from Mr.McQueen's stall.The most popular stall of all was Mr.McQueen's stall.

There were stall of food like hot food , nachos, sausages , pita pockets, other food stalls were baked goods like candy floss, toffee apples , cakes etc Drinks were also available.

It was great lots of people had came and the performances were great. I really enjoyed it .
I was in the talent quest and felt confident.It was a good experience for me to perform in front  crowd.
I think the fair was successful because lots of people came and we raised nearly $10,000 for the new playground!

By Letisha Valentine.   

The Freeville Fair

The Freeville School Fair on the 3rd of December was awesome.
This is some of the stalls and games they had
Candy stall,White Elephant,Pick a stick,Bargain stall,Soap stall,Bouncy Castles,Quad Bikes,Plate smashing,Gunge the teacher,Chocolate wheel and the Talent Quest.

Things that could have been improved
Louder speakers,Lower prices, Less Repetitive,Chairs to sit on and Music in between events.

Good Things
Fun activities,Made alot of profit,Lolly scramble

By Marshall

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Freeville Fair

On Friday the 3rd of December the Freeville fair was held in Freeville school to fundraise to go towards the new playground.
The talent quest was adored by family members and onlookers, young children from alt1 to older children from alt4 all showed their stuff and expressed their true talents.
The talent quest was followed by some cultural events like pasifik underground and the kapahaka group.
The stalls were enjoyed by hundreds of people that turned up through out the evening.The sweet stall was rather popular and was left bare by the end of the evening.
By the end of the day parents were rushing their kids to the car trying to settle them down and stop them from being restless.
A fair has not been held in Freeville school for at least 15 years and this one has been so successful that we might not have to wait that long for another one to come round.
My whanau group did the sweet stall and sold lots of lollies and sweets.We enjoyed our time making and preparing sweets for the stall.We had one of the most popular stalls and raised over $2000.

By Renee

Freeville twilight fair

On Friday December 3 Freeville School had a Twilight Fair. It was held from 3:30 to 8:30.
There where lots and lots of events. The Freeville fair was a big success and we raised a lot of money. Most people started heading home around about 7:00. The Freeville fair was set up on the Field.

Our Whanau group was there and we were selling sweets. From candyfloss ,toffee apples and every ones yummy home baking.There where lots of places were you could buy things from like white elephant,sweet stall,book stand,soaps and silly bands.

There was lots of entertainment from a Freeville school Talent Quest, Choir, and Kapahaka. There where  Bouncy castles, Harley Davidson's and Pony rides.Gunge  a Teacher and Guess the legs competition, Balloon darts,Plate smashing and 4 wheeler motorbike rides.

There where also things for tea and dessert like Sausages, Chicken nachos,Bacon butties,Wraps.Potato's and Mr Whippy for dessert.There was a big lollie scramble and people were chucking lollies of the Harley Davidson. I didn't get any lollies because I was eating my tea at the time.

At the end of the fair they were handing out free Books, Videos and everything from the Book stand was free.From Plate smashing my brother got the rest of the bucket.There was still lots of lollies in it and it was still basically full.

The overall outcome was very good because we haven't had one in years and lots of people showed up. It was awesome.

By Ashleigh Watson

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Biography of :Leanardo Da Vinci

Leanardo Da Vinci is a famous painter well known for the painting of Mona Lisa.Leanardo Da Vinci was born on the 15th of April 1452,his birth place was:Vinci Italy.Leanardo Da Vinci died on the 2nd of May 1519 [natural cases].

He was an Italian Renaissance painter,Sculpture,Draftsman,Architect,Engineer and a scientest.

Leanardo grew up with his father- Florence when he started drawing and painting.

Some Paintings Leanardo Da Vinci did :
Aerial Perspective,Chiaroscuro Technique,Depiction of Citizen and Mona Lisa.Leanardo has done some inventions like air crafts like helecoptors.Hope you like the Biography have you learnt something about Leanardo DaVinci ?
By Arlia